Articles by I. Hossain (10)

Effect of Different Storage Containers Used for Storing Seeds and Management Practices on Seed Quality and Seed Health in CVL-1 Variety

S.M.A. Haque, I. Hossain and M.A. Rahman

International Journal of Plant Pathology 5 ( 2 ): 28 - 53 , 2014

Effect of Bau-Biofungicide and Provax-200 on Mortality, Viability, Seed Quality and Seed Yield Following Top Cutting Method in CVL-1 Variety

S.M.A. Haque, I. Hossain and M.A. Rahman

International Journal of Plant Pathology 5 ( 3 ): 84 - 90 , 2014

Effect of Black Pointed Seed in Seed Sample on Leaf Spot Severity and Grain Infection of Wheat in the Field

M. M. Hossain and I. Hossain

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4 ( 11 ): 1350 - 1352 , 2001

Efficacy of Fungicides and Botanicals in Controlling Leaf Blight of Wheat and its Cost Benefit Analysis

I. Hossain, M. H. Rahman, F. M. Aminuzzaman and F. Ahmed

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4 ( 2 ): 178 - 180 , 2001

Effect of Different Pathotypes of Bipolaris sorokiniana on Leaf Blight Severity and Yield Contributing Characters of Wheat Cv. Kanchan Inoculated at Maximum Tillering Stage

F. Ahmed, I. Hossain and F. M. Aminuzzaman

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 6 ( 7 ): 693 - 696 , 2003

Evaluation of Plant Activator and Chemical Fungicides on Leaf Blight (Bipolaris sorokiniana) Development and Yield of Wheat

F. M. Aminuzzaman and I. Hossain

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 ( 11 ): 1797 - 1803 , 2007

Ionic Effect on Mobilization of Seed Storage Nutrient Substances and Lipase Activity in Germinating Oil Seeds (Brassica napus L.)

Shaha Ranajit Kumar, N. K. Sana and I. Hossain

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7 ( 1 ): 36 - 41 , 2004

Effect of Seed Cleaning, Washing and Seed Treatment on Seedling Disease Incidence and Yield of Rice

M. Asad-ud-doullah, M. K. Anam, Md. Nazrul Islam, M. Rahman, G. A. Fakir and I. Hossain

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5 ( 7 ): 767 - 769 , 2002

Effect of Physical Seed Sorting, Seed Treatment with Garlic Extract and Vitavax 200 on Seed Borne Fungal Flora and Seed Yield of Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.)

S.M. A. Islam, I. Hossain, G. A. Fakir and M. Asad-Ud-Doullah

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4 ( 12 ): 1509 - 1511 , 2001

Seed Treatment with Biofertilizer in Controlling Foot and Root Rot of Mungbean

D. Mohammad and I. Hossain

Plant Pathology Journal 2 ( 2 ): 91 - 96 , 2003