Articles by A. G. Pillay (7)

Dual Cytology, Cellular Death and Their Significance in the Proximal Ganglionic Complex: An Investigation Through the Ontogeny of the Chick Gallus Gallus Domesticus

A. G. Pillay

Journal of Medical Sciences 1 ( 1 ): 16 - 21 , 2001

Cellular Death as a Regulative Mechanism in the Control of Orderly Structure and Function in the Geniculate Ganglion During Development and Aging: An Investigation in the Chick

A. G. Pillay

Journal of Medical Sciences 1 ( 2 ): 67 - 70 , 2001

Vagal and Vestibular Ganglia as Vital Neural-Centers During Development

A. G. Pillay

Journal of Medical Sciences 1 ( 4 ): 228 - 234 , 2001

Experimental Evaluation of Healing Process of Burn-wound Treated by Lyophilized Aloe vera Dressing

Yam Mun Fei, Jamaludin Zainol, A. G. Pillay and Norimah Yusof

Journal of Medical Sciences 2 ( 1 ): 1 - 6 , 2002

Processed Bovine Tunica Vaginalis as a Biomaterial for the Repair of Large Abdominal Wall Defects in Surgical Treatment

Wong Siew Tung, Jamaludin Zainol, A. G. Pillay, Norimah Yusof and Loqman Mohamad Yusof

Journal of Medical Sciences 2 ( 1 ): 7 - 11 , 2002

Cellular Death as a Regulative Mechanism in the Control of Cell-Number towards Normal Establishment of Orderly Structure and Function in the Petrous Ganglion during Development and Aging: An Investigation in the Chick

A. G. Pillay

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 ( 10 ): 1743 - 1748 , 2000

Cell Turnover in the Trigeminal Ganglion During Gangliogenesis and Aging Process and its Significance

A. G. Pillay

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 ( 10 ): 1736 - 1739 , 2000