Articles by O.O. Oni (10)

Effect of Dietary Levels of Cooked Lablab purpureus Beans on the Performance of Broiler Chickens

F.O. Abeke, S.O. Ogundipe, A.A. Sekoni, I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni, A. Abeke and I.I. Dafwang

American Journal of Food Technology 3 ( 1 ): 42 - 49 , 2008

Response of Laying Hens to Dietary Levels of Cooked Lablab purpureus Beans

F.O. Abeke, S.O. Ogundipe, A.A. Sekoni, I.I. Dafwang, I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni and A. Abeke

Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3 ( 1 ): 9 - 16 , 2008

Effect of Duration of Cooking Lablab purpureus Beans on its Utilization by Broiler Finishers (4-8 Weeks)

F.O. Abeke, S.O. Ogundipe, A.A. Sekoni, I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni, A. Abeke and I.I. Dafwang

Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3 ( 2 ): 85 - 91 , 2008

Genetic Parameter Estimates for Plasma Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Reproductive Traits in Two Strains of Rhode Island Chickens

M. Orunmuyi, O.O. Oni, I.A. Adeyinka and O.E. Asiribo

Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 1 ( 2 ): 76 - 81 , 2007

Response of Shika Brown Cockerels to Graded Dietary Levels of Lablab purpureus Beans

F.O. Abeke, S.O. Ogundipe, A.A. Sekoni, I.I. Dafwang, I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni, B.I. Nwagu and A. Abeke

Asian Journal of Poultry Science 2 ( 1 ): 10 - 16 , 2008

Osborne Selection Index and Semen Traits Interrelationships In Rhode Island Red and White Breeder Cocks

M. Kabir, O.O. Oni and G.N. Akpa

International Journal of Poultry Science 6 ( 12 ): 999 - 1002 , 2007

Response of Egg Number to Selection in Rhode Island Chickens Selected for Part Period Egg Production

B.I. Nwagu, S.A.S. Olorunju, O.O. Oni, L.O. Eduvie, I.A. Adeyinka, A.A. Sekoni and F.O. Abeke

International Journal of Poultry Science 6 ( 1 ): 18 - 22 , 2007

Effect of Duration of Cooking of Lablab purpureus Beans on the Performance Organ Weight and Haematological Parameters of Shika-brown Pullet Chicks

F.O. Abeke, S.O. Ogundipe, S. Oladele, A.A. Sekoni, I.I. Dafwang, I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni and A. Abeke

Journal of Biological Sciences 7 ( 3 ): 562 - 565 , 2007

Growth and Subsequent Egg Production Performance of Shika-Brown Pullets Fed Graded Levels of Cooked Lablab purpureus Beans

I.A. Adeyinka, O.O. Oni, A. Abeke, I.I. Dafwang, A.A Sekoni, S.O. Ogundipe and F.O. Abeke

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 ( 7 ): 1056 - 1061 , 2007

Effects of Underfeeding on Semen Quality of Rhode Island Cocks

M. Kabir, O.O. Oni, G.N. Akpa, I.A. Adeyinka and P.I. Rekwot

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 ( 6 ): 986 - 988 , 2007